You may or may not have heard the new buzz about promises being introduced into JavaScript and if you don’t know what they are, you’re not alone. I’ll attempt to explain what they are and why you should or maybe shouldn’t care about them. First let’s understand what promises are.
Promise defined: “The Promise interface represents a proxy for a value not necessarily known at its creation time. It allows you to associate handlers to an asynchronous action’s eventual success or failure. This let asynchronous methods to return values like synchronous methods: instead of the final value, the asynchronous method returns a promise of having a value at some point in the future.”
Let’s Dive In
Basically, it allows you to setup chaining for a value or values and determine a functional response. For example, let’s say you need to get two values from two separate AJAX calls, but you don’t want to proceed unless both have loaded correctly and if either fails, you want to bail out of the entire thing. Although not an optimum approach, this will serve as a more or less real world problem. Consider the following code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | var first_call = false ; var second_call = false ; //make the first call $.ajax({ url: "/some/page" , success: function (data){ //set a success variable first_call = true ; } }); //make the second call $.ajax({ url: "/some/other-page" , success: function (data){ //set a success variable second_call = true ; } }); if (first_call && second_call){ //we're good to go - do something } else { //ruh roh - bail out! } |
Now With Promises
Now obviously, the above code isn’t fantastic but it will suit our needs for now. Let’s walk through it. The first ajax call if successful sets the first_call
variable to true and the same goes for the second. If all is good, we can proceed and do what we need to, otherwise we execute our bail out code. So now let’s check out the same functional code executed with promises:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | $.when( $.ajax( "/some/page" ), $.ajax( "/some/other-page" ) ) .done( function (first_call, second_call){ //we're good to go - do something }) .fail( function (){ //ruh roh - bail out! }); |
So, looking at this latest example we see not only is the code much more compact, but now we can chain even more calls together, no use of outside variables for state checking and still we end up in the same place. This is the power that promises provide you. In the above example, we have implemented jQuery’s $.when
call which will take a list of operations as the arguments. For each operation, it will return the value into the done() function as the ordered arguments (ie. done(first_call_data, second_call_data, ...)
). If a failure occurs for any of the calls, the fail()
method is invoked where we can make use of our bail code and either try again, display an error message, etc. If we wanted to add more calls to this promise we would do so by adding them directly to the when()
function and creating the corresponding argument in the done()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | $.when( $.ajax( "/some/page" ), $.ajax( "/some/other-page" ), $.ajax( "/some/other-other-page" ), $.ajax( "/and/so/on" ) ) .done( function (first_call, second_call, third_call, fourth_call){ //we're good to go - do something }) .fail( function (){ //ruh roh - bail out! }); |
We can continue to chain $.when
calls together to simply an otherwise complex system of dependencies. Promises also provide us with a way of implementing our own custom promise behavior by taking advantage of methods such as .reject()
and .state()
. However, this is a bit beyond the scope of this article. For more information regarding jQuery promises have a look at:
Promise –
Deferred Object –
Paolo Savoldi · April 2, 2015 at 2:37 am
the first code won’t work.
when you test first_call && second_call they are always false.
you should make a function (eg. function test(){} ) containing the if statement which should be called by both ajax success callbacks.
in addition, both success callbacks are not correctly closed (lacks }).
godlikemouse · April 2, 2015 at 9:23 am
Hi Paolo,
The first code example isn’t really to be taken as verbatim, it’s simply a basic pattern given as a loose example. In truth there are quite a few things wrong with the approach, including the fact that the if statement checking call values are in no way synchronized with the ajax return values.
Thanks for the heads up regarding the lack of closing curly braces, that has been fixed.
Anupama · May 4, 2016 at 5:26 am
I finally understood what a promise is. Thank you
godlikemouse · May 5, 2016 at 8:13 am
You’re welcome